Buzz, Curated by Vik Muniz – Galeria Nara Roesler

buzz – curated by vik muniz

At galeria nara roesler

aberturas/openings sábado/Saturday01.12.2012 11h > 17h

“Minha intenção através desta mostra é de poder oferecer ao público a chance de identificar e traçar aspectos distintos da “arte perceptual” através das décadas que sucederam sua apoteose na mídia internacional demonstrando que embora a Op Art já tenha se tornado história, muitos de seus enfoques permanecem ativos na arte de cada década subsequente à sua exaltação midiática.”
Vik Muniz
, 2012

“My intention, with this exhibition, is to offer the public an opportunity to identify with and trace distinct aspects of “perceptual art” through the decades that succeeded its apotheosis in the international media, demonstrating that, although Op Art has already become history, many of its concerns actively persist in the art of each decade subsequent to its midiatic exaltation.”
Vik Muniz
, 2012

seg / mon > sex / fri 10 > 19h

sáb / sat 11 > 15h

galeria nara roesler

avenida europa 655

são paulo sp brasil 01449-001

t 55 (11) 3063 2344

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